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  • Writer's pictureSusan Barnes

Sudden cardiac arrest

I was honoured to meet a lovely man this week. Tragically what brought us together was our daughters had both died due to AN. Very different stories but the same tragic outcome. Doing agreed light exercise his daughter (E) who was only 14 and an athlete suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and her mother performed CPR for at least 15 minutes before an ambulance could reach them. E’s heart was restarted and she was put in a chemically induced coma but 3 days later they were told she was brain dead due to the lack of oxygen to the brain. This was only in January and is obviously so raw. What was inspiring was to learn how dad is addressing the lessons that could and should be learned from this, the lack of education around the risk to the heart and the need for this to take a much higher place in the education in eating disorders

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